The Goos Family

Monday, July 31, 2006

Family of Four

It has now been 2 weeks of being home and feels like Esther has always been a part of our family. She really is such an easygoing baby and has adjusted beautifully to the time change and to us as a family. She started sleeping through the night the 2nd or 3rd night and slowly establishing a nap schedule. Helena has had some difficulty adjusting to the reality that she no longer is the center of momma and poppa's attention but she has to share the spotlight with her baby sister. Helena has her moments of tantrums and whinniness but otherwise very sweet to Esther.

My verdict is still out on adjusting to life with a 5 month old baby and very verbal, rambunctious, active 3.5 year old. There are days that our family of four is ideal and other days where it's not so much. I love having a 5 month old who is super easygoing and to see grow and change. I love watching my 3.5 year old love on her sister and be the big sister and try to teach her baby sister things. But sometimes, together each of their needs clash for my attention and I feel torn. There is also the idea of time. Boy what was I thinking when I thought I had no time with just one? Now there really is no time with two. I suppose right now Esther is still at a very needy stage of feeding and changing diapers and interacting but how quickly she will get to the stage of being independent. When there are days of the not so much, I wonder why I chose to disturb the equilibrium of our lives but then I look into the sweet face of Esther smiling at her sister Helena making faces at her then I know why. There is a new equilibrium. I know our family would not be complete without Esther.


Blogger Cynthia said...

So glad your family is adjusting! Isn't it amazing that after a short time of being together you can't imagine your life without her? Before you know it, you'll have a routine all established and having 2 will be a breeze!

4:51 PM  
Blogger Third Mom said...

:) I'm just smiling, your photos truly brought tears to my eyes.

Your family and children are absolutely beautiful, and I know your trip was awesome - Korea rocks!. And reading your blog is bringing back the incredible joy we felt when our children arrived.

Still feeling it today, differently of course after 17 years, but still feeling it. Thank you for posting, I'm looking forward to hearing how things go.

3:51 PM  

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